rosnące ceny energii elektrycznej

Energy costs are soaring – that’s certain. How to prepare your business for rising energy prices in 2025?

November 21, 2024

You arrive at the office. You turn on the lights, the pleasant smell of coffee signals that the machine is already working at full capacity, and the hum of computers fills the background. Your everyday routine. How could rising energy costs disrupt it?

The year 2024 gave us a brief reprieve – energy prices were frozen, but all signs point to paying 15–20% more for electricity in 2025.

For many household budgets, this will pose an obvious challenge, but for businesses, it’s a potential risk. Think about what a rise in energy prices means for a manufacturing plant where machines run nonstop. Fortunately, you still have time to prepare before the bills start climbing.

Why electricity is critical for business

Energy is the backbone of every company’s operations today. From small offices to massive factories, electricity is essential everywhere. But it’s not just about lighting or charging laptops. Energy costs permeate every stage of production and services.

Heading to the hairdresser? Energy costs influence the price of the service. Ordering food? The cost of the electric oven is hidden in the price of your pizza. In manufacturing, energy can account for a significant portion of total expenses, sometimes even several dozen percent. That’s why every increase in electricity prices affects the entire market.

What awaits us in 2025

In 2024, the government froze energy prices, but this is a temporary measure. In 2025, the market will be liberalized, almost guaranteeing higher bills. Projections for the coming year are harsh: expect electricity prices to rise by 15–20%.

Why such a significant increase?

Let’s analyze the factors driving electricity prices:

Dependence on coal

Did you know that over 60% (specifically 68% in 2023) of Poland’s energy still comes from coal (both hard and brown)? In contrast, only 21.5% of energy last year came from renewable sources. Such a heavy reliance on coal means that energy production costs continue to rise.

EU climate policy

The European Union’s climate policy requires member states to reduce emissions and invest in renewable energy sources.


Conflicts and shifting trade relations affect the availability of raw materials, and consequently, their prices.

koszty energii - prognozowane wzrosty w 2025 / energy costs - projected increases in 2025

Energy costs – 5 strategies to prepare your business for rising prices

1. Increase energy efficiency

Think about where you lose the most energy. Simple measures, such as replacing traditional lighting with modern LED systems, can reduce costs by up to 50%. Upgrading machinery or improving building insulation can also deliver great results. Trust me, these are investments that pay off quickly.

2. Invest in renewable energy sources

Solar panels, wind turbines, or heat pumps are excellent solutions for companies aiming to reduce their dependence on external suppliers. Additionally, subsidies and tax incentives for renewable energy accelerate the return on investment.

3. Monitor energy consumption

I strongly encourage you to implement Energy Management Systems (EMS) in your company. These systems allow for precise analysis of where and when energy is consumed. This makes it easier to identify and eliminate losses.

4. Negotiate contracts with energy suppliers

You might be among those business owners who signed an energy contract years ago and haven’t revisited it since. I know it’s not the most exciting task, but take a look at what has changed in your supplier’s offerings. Renegotiate your purchase agreement. Compare your current deal with offers from other suppliers. Check if you can take advantage of cheaper tariffs (e.g., night rates). These steps can lead to real savings.

5. Plan long-term

I hope you’re well aware that running a business means thinking beyond the present (if not, it’s time to catch up). Develop your own digital and energy transformation strategy. When preparing your budget, factor in rising energy costs. Regularly analyze the market and invest in technologies that will help reduce energy consumption in the future.

Why you should consider rising energy costs now

Every day of delay means lost money and missed potential for optimization. This isn’t just about survival. Implementing modern technologies and optimizing energy usage is a step toward sustainability and innovation.

Remember, energy costs impact many aspects of your business—from production and transportation to the final price of your products or services. Companies that act early will gain a competitive edge, better control their margins, and ensure stability during challenging times.

The effort is worth it — or should we say, the LEDs are worth it

Rising energy costs are a challenge, but they’re not insurmountable. In fact, with the right strategy, your business can thrive without financial losses. The key is proper planning—from upgrading equipment to investing in renewable energy sources. Your company stands to benefit. Instead of waiting for higher bills, start taking action today!

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