
Science has superpowers… Collaboration between explitia and the University of Economics 

June 14, 2024

Together with the University of Economics in Katowice, we have launched an official initiative aimed at promoting scientific and educational achievements. This is extremely important for both – the university and our team. The goal of this collaboration is to promote innovative technologies, train qualified professionals, and build strong relationships between the world of science and business. 

The main motive of this collaboration is to synergistically combine the university’s potential with our business practice. The university brings its rich scientific and educational background to academic life, while explitia provides experience and a willingness to share knowledge. 

Example areas of collaboration 

Internships and student placements: Thanks to the collaboration, students of the University of Economics in Katowice will gain the opportunity to acquire valuable professional experience in our company. Internships and placements will allow them to apply their acquired knowledge in practice and benefit from the competencies of their senior colleagues. 

Joint participation in initiatives: Joint projects and initiatives may include organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, and other events that foster the exchange of insights. Such activities promote innovation and scientific development, and consequently, economic and social growth. 

Utilizing scientific and educational achievements: Experts from the University of Economics can provide the theoretical knowledge necessary for implementing innovative projects. In turn, our specialists can share their technological skills and professional experience with students, as well as the indispensable influence of the company on the industrial sector. 

Enhancing the quality of education: By collaborating with business practitioners, educational programs can be better tailored to the current needs of the labor market. Students will gain skills that are valued by employers. 

The collaboration between our company and the University of Economics in Katowice is an example of synergy that can bring numerous benefits to both the academic and business environments. It demonstrates that science and practice are the keys to development. Joint activities in the field of scientific research, education, and real projects have the potential to create further innovative solutions that will positively impact the development of both parties. This partnership is proof that the combination of science and business forces can lead to achieving ambitious goals. 

The cooperation agreement and the possibility of involvement in the development of education drive us as a company to action. We have always been eager to help young people because we are constantly looking for new solutions ourselves. Science truly has superpowers… 

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